case study
About The Project

Cric - Electric

It is an app designed as a multi-vendor application which connects professional electricians to the users on one platform. This app is designed in Node js, angular technologies.There are many vendors and the user can find their desired electrician and can get the service with the best quality. You can also find the electricians based on the location.

Users can choose from the directory of electricians by their needs and requirements. They can choose from whether they are looking for an electrician for residential work. They can either choose from the list of electricians for their commercial work or for industrial work.

App Features

App Features

  • Users and vendors can login through their social media accounts.
  • The app follows strict data confidentiality and security to avoid data breach.
  • App is user-friendly with a responsive UI/UX interface.
  • The app also has an advanced search filter feature, to search vendors near the location.
  • There are multiple payment gateways to avoid payment hustle.

Admin Features

  • There is an Admin Control Panel where admin have full access to all vendors profiles
  • CMS to better monitor the database of vendors and users.
  • Analytics Observation features allows admin to analyze the feedback of vendor
  • Ad and Promotion Management to put the best profile forward.
  • Profile Handling based on the ratings and reviews.
  • Backup & Data Restore just in case the data breach happened.
  • Maecenas sed ligula tristique, vestibulum tellus nec, dictum nisl.


The challenges in multi-vendor app development are similar to single vendor app development. However, for multiple vendors, it is necessary to know the apps of each vendor and the communication process.

In a multi-vendor app, we have two concerns, first is how to load the vendor material, second is how to build the multi-vendor app.

While creating a multi-vendor app in Angular, Node js and Flutter, it's a bit tricky, since each vendor may have its own architecture and platform.

The challenges get prominent when applying to some third party libraries. For example if you want to use angular route redirect in Angular with flutter, the angular router redirect will work perfectly. But if you want to use the flutter router redirect, you need to include the flutter_redirect.

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How We Work

Challenges are the part of website and application development, and so are coming up with the solutions. To load the vendor material we just use a preload script to load the vendor material. And to create an app in angular, we have to build the app in multiple ways, and then combine all of them into one app.

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UI/UX Design

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Front-end Dev

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Back-end Dev

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SEO Optimization

See The Result


ROI Increase


Traffic Increase


Order Increase


Order Increase

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