Hire Magento Developer

Hire Dedicated Magento Developer from Aiqzon to completely boost up your Business. AiqZon one of the Top Emerging Companies strengthened with a Team of Professionals. Our Top Class Developers have a strong Object Oriented Programming Language Knowledge and possess better understanding of programming languages like JavaScript, HTML/CSS.Customer Requirements and needs is the First Priority of Aiqzon. We have A Great Team of Developers with deep PHP Knowledge. Our Creative Magento Developer must have sufficient knowledge of Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, A/B Testing.

  • # 500+ Successful Project
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  • # 5+ Years Experience Developers
  • # High-end Quality Services
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How Hiring Aiqzon Magento Developers Boosts Up Your Business?

AiqZon Ensures growth in Field of App Development. We are here to give you the most suitable professionals of Magento Development with a solid understanding of the Magneto framework, its architecture, and its various components. They are familiar with both Magneto 1 and Magneto 2, as well as their respective coding standards and best practices. Magento app development empowers clients with a flexible, scalable, and feature-rich platform to create robust and successful e-commerce applications. .


Aiqzon Special Expertise

What Quality Makes Aiqzon Developers Different for Developing Magento App Development?

Aiqzon Emerging in the field of App Development with top notch Quality and some special Features of Our Developers .

Proficiency in PHP

Magento is built on PHP,Our Developers have a strong command of the PHP programming language.They are experienced in writing efficient and secure PHP code, as well as working with PHP frameworks and libraries commonly used in Magento development.

Knowledge of E-commerce Concepts

Knowledge of E-commerce Concepts: E-commerce knowledge is crucial for Magento developers. Our Developer understands key e-commerce concepts such as product catalogues, inventory management, pricing, promotions, checkout processes, and order management. .

Front-end Development Skills

Magento developers are proficient in front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They have experience in customising themes, creating responsive designs, and optimising the user interface for a seamless shopping experience. .

Experience with Magento Versions

Magento has two major versions, Magento 1 and Magento 2.Our developers who have hands-on experience with the version you are using or planning to use. Familiar with both versions which is a plus point. l .

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