case study
About Dragon’s Miracle Project

Development of the Dragon’s Miracle Website is on Shopify. They are USA based Company Founded in 2019 by Mayco Bratzoon With the objective of providing Plant-based ingredients and herbs, Food to Nourish the Body and soul. The Mission of the Dragon’s Miracle Website is to “Healing Life Naturally”.website have Registered Pharmacist and Herbalist to help customer. The Website has a Home about us mission and shop section to let the client have a better under of their Service.

Website Features

Website Features

  • The website has its unique URL address, and this is what one will enter into the browser when they visit that site. The site Address (URL) in Shopify Is the public-facing part of your website.
  • Dynamic service section page to give clear information about their services.
  • The website admin panel allows the creation of custom widgets that display information such as weather data or social media feeds.

Admin Features

  • The website contains an integrated editor for greater customization and security.
  • The website allows the admin to create profiles with user settings such as email addresses, passwords, and more. All of this information can be saved on the database
  • It has a multi-column interface which is very beautiful and user-friendly.
  • Admin will have full access to admin where one can manage the site and all its features as well as make changes to them.
  • Admin can view and manage the sales data and also can see how many customers visited the website.


  • As Shopify has millions of customization the updates can occur without warning. It is easier for Shopify site owners to maintain the functionality by using the most recent software, themes, and plugins. The main purpose of upgrading is to fix bugs from earlier versions.
  • There are thousands upon thousands of themes available online today and they come in all shapes and sizes – including free ones! Therefore it was difficult to choose the best one.
case study

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